Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Due Dates

I have my Thesis rough draft due next Tuesday! I'm barely on the intro. I need to work on it. I also have critique again in 2 weeks. I need to have 2 paintings finished. I'm working on canvas for one and panel for the other. Ugh...gotta get going on these.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What a week.

Thesis class was sucking till we met today. Looks like the ball is starting to get rolling, and heads are going to fly. It's been a lackluster week. I'm looking forward to next week.

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's been 2 weeks since I updated.

I was going to post some pics of stuff I'm working on, but my brother's camera is dead. Anyways I just took some of the one I'm currently working on. I used my MacBook to take a pic of it. Here's two pics. They kind of look the same but whatever. Man I hope I can complete this one and the other Metal Gear Gekko I'm still working on. They are due next Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

been thinking

Lately, I've been thinking about Charlton Heston, the Wiimote, Ico (beautiful first gen PS2 game), gangstas, RoboCop, and Frogger.

I finally start painting today. I should be able to layout everything, I hope. I want to complete a painting per week, just working away. The worst part of starting to paint is actually starting it, laying out my paints and all that. I'm real lazy at times. Once I start, I get in "the fuckin' zone chief."